Friday, June 27, 2008

Here is a purse that I found at Walmart, I embroidered it for Brent's sis Kenleigh. She had a birthday in May. I know it's a little late. Koutnee, I know that I told you I was going to do a bathing suit cover up last time I talked to you, but I saw this and figured that she could use it more. I hope she likes it. Kourtnee email me and let me know what you think of the K.

Here is what the kids have been making. We bought a large tub of those beads that you iron together. Do you guys remember mking them when you were kids? The kids have made several. They decided to hang them from under Will's bed in the little reading area.

1 comment:

Kourtnee said...

I LOVE the purse and if she doen't, I will definitely carry it!! :)
Thanks for the email about vacation. Now that VBS is over, I can concentrate on that. Love the idesa.