Friday, June 6, 2008


Today I went and signed both of the kids up for golf!!! They both had been going with Brent on the weekend. So I thought that I would put them in a class to learn more about it. (Brent can only teach them so much!!)
Will had purchased his club by himself. He saved the money and bought them a couple of months ago. If course I tried to discourage him from doing this because I thought they would sit in the garage and collect dust. Well it gave Brent a reason to go out and golf. Pretty soon after they started they talked Faith into going and she liked it too. We went and got her clubs today. She has been outside most of the day practicing. Let me just say, she can hit that ball!! I have not yet went and played but now I guess that will be going. Brent already asked if we wanted to go after Will's game on Saturday.


Katie said...

How CUTE! I love Faith's pink set. She looks so grown up.

Sarea said...

I love it!! What a great idea, and how awesome that they get to share it with their dad!!