Wednesday, April 30, 2008

We've been very busy

Sorry it's been a while since I have blogged we have been very busy. I haven't been on the computer very much lately. Last Sunday the Lord took my wonderful grandmother to be with him. We had family in town so we tried to spend as much time with them as we could.
We also have baseball going on this spring. That keeps us very busy.
Here are some pictures of a place that we went to with our Sunday School class.
Here is Faith on a Tarzan swing!

We took the kids for a paddle boat ride. Talk about a workout!!!

Will fishing, he didn't fish a whole lot he liked the paddle boats more.

Faith fishing. She did this for about 2 hours. She liked it more than I thought that she would.

Faith's first fish!! She caught at least 6!

Will and Brent in their baseball uniform. Brent is helping coach.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Here are some more pic of things we've done!

This we put in our bedroom above the TV.

This is above Will's dresser. I thought about putting University on one side in the same lettering and Arkansas on the other side since he loves AR so much. Brent has him brain washed! HA! One day he might change and like TN but not likely!!! It was hard not putting anything orange in his room. He has asked me to paint a big red A on his wall. I don't think so but maybe on a piece of wood. I also have found a little razorback hog embroidery design to download. I think that I will embroidery about 6 on the bottom of his curtain.

This is above his bed. It says' "Pain is temporary, pride is forever"
These wall things that you see I got for FREE! I had a Uppercase living house party. I have done some others, like I put "Welcome" on the front door. We have several for Faith's room but we need to paint first. We also got the verse "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sorry it's been so long since the last post, we have been very busy with things around the house so I thought I'd better get upstairs and post. Yesterday and today we've been working on Will's room. We painted it a light gray and he wants it to be a Arkansas football room. I still need to add some things to his wall and then I will post some pictures. I also painted the front door today. Today is the first time we have seen the sun in about a 2 weeks. We have had so much rain here and the rivers are so high. I think we are going to get more rain before the end of the week.