Wednesday, April 30, 2008

We've been very busy

Sorry it's been a while since I have blogged we have been very busy. I haven't been on the computer very much lately. Last Sunday the Lord took my wonderful grandmother to be with him. We had family in town so we tried to spend as much time with them as we could.
We also have baseball going on this spring. That keeps us very busy.
Here are some pictures of a place that we went to with our Sunday School class.
Here is Faith on a Tarzan swing!

We took the kids for a paddle boat ride. Talk about a workout!!!

Will fishing, he didn't fish a whole lot he liked the paddle boats more.

Faith fishing. She did this for about 2 hours. She liked it more than I thought that she would.

Faith's first fish!! She caught at least 6!

Will and Brent in their baseball uniform. Brent is helping coach.


Katie said...

I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your grandmother.

It looks like you guys had fun swinging, fishing, paddling and such.

How are you liking your embroidery machine these days? Maybe someday I'll get one...

Sarea said...

Sorry about your Grandmother, I know that your family is close!

The pictures are great! Faith and Will are getting so big! I like Brent's facial hair too, it looks good on him!

Looking forward to more updates soon!