Monday, August 25, 2008

The start of a new year!

I know it has been a very long time since I have posted! Sorry! I know that you are looking at the title of this post and thinking, "She must not know we are still in Aug." To our family it does feel like a new year. With school starting and going back to work. It is almost like starting a new year. I have to say, we had a great summer but I always like to get back to work. I need a schedule!!! We have so much going on. Brent has went back to school! After he gets his degree here at APSU he (or you could say "we") will be going to seminary. Keep him in your prayers. Pray that he will be able to work full time, go to school at night, and keep teaching our Sunday School class. He defiantly has a full plate. Pray for Faith and Will, they are having a hard time with not being able to spend as much time with him as they are use too. Will has started football. This will keep me very busy! He has practice 3 times during the week a hour and a half long and games on Saturdays. While he practices Faith and I work on her homework. She is not very thrilled about having to go to his practices. She still have not found what she wants to do. My work is going great. We have a great class. The last couple of weeks has flown by so fast. I can't believe that it is almost Sept. Although I LOVE the Fall season. I can't wait to decorate for fall. I love the smells of Fall, my friend Shelly got me a fall scented candle and I have burned it a couple of time already. I also keep checking WMart and waiting for the fall creamers, pumpkin pie spice is the best! This is also my favorite time to take pics of the kids playing in the leaves. Well now you know that I love fall and can't wait for it to come. This post was really about our new year but I got a little side tracked. Well, now that you know what my favorite season is what is yours and why? One more reason I like Fall, I get to wear sweatshirts and go and watch football games. Okay, that was 2 and you did read that right. I like football. Any kind, Will's games, Pro, or college. Sorry no pics this time. I do promise some this Fall!


Katie said...

HEY! I'm so glad to hear from you again. I've been wondering about you. Sorry I haven't called. Did you have a good birthday? thing we are alike on is Fall is my favorite too! It's always been my favorite. It used to be simply because that's when my birthday is. Now that those aren't quite so fun, I still like Fall. I like the cooler temps and the colorful leaves. I like crockpots of soup, Fall scented candles and the crispness in the air on a Friday football night (not that we go to many games). My only regret is that Fall seems to be our very shortest season of all! Why can't it last longer?

Did you guys watch much of the Olympics? We (along with everyone else in the world) have fallen in love with Michael Phelps. We enjoyed many of the swimming competitions (male and female).

When you said that Faith hasn't found her "thing" yet, I wondered...has she tried swimming? Maybe that could be for her. We're thinking about encouraging Josh in that direction. He enjoys soccer, but he's just not a real aggresive player. We're thinking baseball or swimming might be more up his ally.

Well, I'm going to go point in writing a whole post on your blog!

Talk to you soon!

Just Us...Life after kids said...
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Just Us...Life after kids said...

I said . . . Ok, Ok! I love SUMMER! I actually prefer ANY temperature 78 and UP!